Where to buy and sell websites for free in 2015

You have worked for years building a website that is successful, making money and taking over your life. So now the fun is gone and you are looking to sell. You wonder how to buy and sell websites for free. How do you find out how much my website is worth? There are many answers, and unfortunately, none of the answers create an easy outcome. But let us take a look at some of your options, and help find the best way to get you a price for your website.

There are tools all over the internet that claim they will give you a figure in a matter of minutes, all you have to do is type in your domain name and see what they find on your website. These tools are about as trustworthy as a slot machine. They do look at factors of your website, but the number they give you will be much lower than what you could probably sell your website for, and will neglect to take into consideration the potential earnings of your website, something that a buyer might find really interesting and a reason to buy. Nor will they help you find a buyer. And every one of them will probably tell you something different, for there is no exact measurement to figuring out the website worth.

If you want a more exact method to figuring out how much your website is worth, you can find a number of forms online that will tell you what is valuable in today’s market. These are also things that will get over looked by a tool that can give you a price in minutes.

Those things will probably include how much traffic your website is generating daily, monthly, and yearly. Traffic is very important to help the rank of your website and show buyers the audience of potential customers. This is valuable, but it is also a variable. There is no guarantee that the traffic will maintain the same numbers once the website changes hands. If you can offer your buyer some additional future content, it will be a smoother transition into their hands. And you save more money when you use a platform where you can buy and sell websites for free.

They also include the age of your domain. The longer your domain has been owned by a single party, the better. Search engines find these websites more desirable, and will give them trusted status, meaning you are more likely to gain more traffic organically, because older domains often show up higher in the search results. This will help SEO as you create content for the website in the future.

Also income sources are an important factor. If you are gaining income from multiple places, like affiliation links, or advertisements, your site will be more valuable if you can provide unexpired contracts to the buyer. This means that the buyer is guaranteed that money when they take over the website. This is a great thing to offer because they will also have a foot in the door if they want to renew these contracts in the future.


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