A dedicated server, service also known as managed hosting service is a kind of internet hosting in which the customer rents a full server which is not being shared with anybody other than themselves. This type of hosting is offer more suppleness as compared to shared hosting, because in this type of hosting, organizations have complete authority over the server which includes selection of operating system, hardware and other features. There also exists a different kind of dedicated hosting generally known as complex hosting. There are lots of correspondences among simple and complex hosting while the major distinction being the grade of managerial and manufacturing support that the client compensates for. The supplier tackles most of the management roles which include safety, space and other assistance. The service is mainly upbeat in character.

Server management is typically monitored by the host as an added advantage. In several situations, a dedicated server may propose fewer overheads and a better profit margin. Dedicated servers are usually placed in data centers, similar to collocation amenities, providing superfluous electricity resources and Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning systems where necessary.

In comparison to collocation, the server hardware is the property of the host and in other situations; they may be offering support for the operating system. ‘Unique Star Net Solutions and Web Hosting’ is an organization that offers world class dedicated server hosting services in different countries of the world. We are a firm located in the United Kingdom, but offering our services throughout the different countries of the world. With our offices in all the major cities of different countries, we offer our services in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Egypt, Indonesia, Dubai and the United Arab Emirates.

For more detail of shared hosting visit


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